Contact Us

Website Owner and Admin : My name is Rajpoot Ahsan Ali. I can create this website for help the student and all citizens of Pakistan.

We appreciate your interest in We are here to assist you with any questions, feedback, or suggestions you may have.

Contact Information:

Here are the ways you can reach us:

  • Email: Admin@wifaqulmadarisresults.comSocial Media:


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For website-related inquiries:

  • Please describe the issue or topic of your inquiry clearly.If possible, include relevant screenshots or details to help us understand your request better.

Response Time: We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours. Alternatively: If you have a question that is not specific to our website or can be answered by readily available information, we encourage you to visit the official Wifaq ul Madaris website: you for contacting We look forward to hearing from you.